episcopal church
downtown toledo
Inclusive. Creative.

Join us in person every Sunday at 10am:
316 Adams St.
Toledo, OH 43604
Trinity Response Team
Dear Friends,
The Trinity Response Team (TRT) had their first gathering this past Sunday in My Brother’s Place to contemplate and act on many justice issues – gun violence, food insecurity, racism, and LGBTQ shaming – to name a few. This gathering was specifically to discuss appropriate actions and reactions to the new president and his administration these last two weeks.
Twenty-two of us attended and there were many contributions and ideas during our active discussion. Folks collected handouts that contained:
- contact information for elected representatives and Senators in DC;
- a description of “how to” speak to a staffer when one calls or writes an email/letter, and
- a brief description of 10 Executive Orders (E.O.’s).
Postcards with the Trinity logo on one side were written to senators and representatives during our time together kindly stating our objections to the Executive Orders. Those were mailed out this week.
Those gathered agree this is just the beginning of TRT’s advocacy for people, both in our community and around the country, who find themselves excluded or oppressed by these E.O.’s. It was suggested that the TRT plan to meet monthly for continued advocacy and support. We will work on doing just that.
Please prayerfully consider whether you have a role to play in TRT. All people of goodwill are welcome! Please contact George Benson at Trinity with any questions, contributions, or concerns.
God’s Peace,
Mark Dubielak