episcopal church
downtown toledo
Inclusive. Creative.

Join us in person every Sunday at 10am:
316 Adams St.
Toledo, OH 43604
Dear Friends,
This weekend, we will usher in Daylight Savings Time at 2:00 a.m. EST on Saturday, March 9th, by “springing” our clocks ahead an hour. With it comes extended daylight hours and the anticipation of warmer weather. Spring is approaching.
Like all changes, there are challenges even when we anticipate and welcome them. We switch our external clocks an hour forward while our internal clocks lag a bit, trying to catch up. For many of us, our biorhythms take much longer to adjust to this hour shift.
Time, or the changing times, seems to have that effect on us. Whether we’re adjusting the hands of a clock or witnessing history unfolding before us, we can all agree that change is often an unsettling yet undeniable constant. Still, it endures, just as we do.
Lent is also upon us, just before our time change on Saturday. A sacred time of sacrifice, giving, and prayer. One could imagine no bigger change or uncertainty than Jesus’ experience as he walked into the desert ahead of his impending death. Alone, weary, tired, hungry, tempted, afraid, yet persisted for us and with us.
As we walk through our metaphorical clocks springing forward, watching the world in all its chaos swirl, let us be reminded of the persistence, faith, and hope of Jesus during his 40 days and nights in the desert. That the loss of an hour is no comparison to the loss of a life for us and our sins. However, we choose to sacrifice, give, or pray during this Lenten season, a time of change and a change of time, let it be knowing that we can do so with the assurance that no more tremendous sacrifice was made than that which he made for us. And he will rise, as will we. Through trials and uncertainties, chaos and hatred, he suffered, died, and was buried…but rose again. So shall we.
Karen Keune