Beloved Friends-

As I step back into your midst after a time away for rest and prayer I do so with a heart full of peace and gratitude; it is well with my soul. Thank you to all who were here moving us faithfully down the path we make by walking side by side, day by day.

A special thank you to Donna, Sam, Karen, Jeffrey and Amy for each of your inspiring sermons. What an absolute gift to have friends in Christ willing and able to set aside time and intention to offer messages of hope and courage, each one as powerful and different as the next; we are truly blessed by your generosity of spirit -thank you. I am also mindful that in addition to our membership and staff who work together every week to create our Sunday services, Nate is doing an amazing job reaching out to invite new friends of Trinity to offer their gifts of music.

This past Tuesday your vestry, the 9-member elected leadership team, met via Zoom for our annual “social gathering”- in the past a BBQ at one of our homes, but this week, a more simple and yet still meaningful time to check in and ask each other, “How is it with your soul?” This is a time with no business at hand per say, but rather a moment to breathe deeply together, to remember how grateful we are for community and one another. As each of us answered the question above I was struck by some similar themes. It seems we all share a bit of frustration at our continued intentional distancing (we are huggers!) AND we are all of us, to a one, so very grateful to be walking this path together. So, as all of us keep putting one foot in front of the other, know that you are not alone. We are here for you and ready to serve and connect in any way that would be helpful.

Finally, by now you have most likely read our communication regarding our decision to extend our Trinity@Home format through January 2021. (If you have not seen the letter you can find it on our website.) We have also shared this with our Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr. and have received his support, encouragement and gratitude for our leadership’s courage and thoughtfulness.

Please know there is not a one among us that isn’t missing our face to face connection as well as the work we do in the community in the name of love. We are also completely united in our conviction to do all in our power to keep us safe and spiritually fed in progressive, inclusive and creative ways. Thank you for all the ways you are showing up for each other, for good and for God.

We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned

that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.
-Dorothy Day

And may you never forget that you are loved,


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