Beloved Friends,

Here we are turning the corner as we continue the journey we call Lent. And while we are well on our way, I find myself drawn this week to needing the invitation below to receive a blessing even now for the rest of our travels. We have traversed the landscape of our souls over these past few weeks together and for that I am grateful. We have been reminded through poetry, prayers, beautiful music and thoughtful Lenten opportunities of art and study that this annual pilgrimage to and through the foot of the cross is both complicated and compelling. Thank you for the many ways you are showing up for this journey; it is not a trip always easy to take, but never is there a regret at the journey’s end. This year I will remember this conversation through the conversations we are trying to have around systemic racism; also, time set aside to explore our inner landscapes through the sacredness of prayer and artistic expression. We have also been engaged in conversations with those discerning their place of belonging with us in the movement of Love we call Trinity. It is a rich time- even as our separation and distance continue to tug on our hearts.

This Sunday we will gather and hear more about Becoming Beloved Community as we set the gospel text next to our fourth baptismal question: Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Our word will be: RESPECT and we will explore our call to sink deeply into the invitation to embrace our beloved-ness as a starting point for then extending that love outwards.

Thank you again and again for staying the course and traveling together this holy season. Your spirits are the force of this community expanding God’s love out into this hurting world. Come home to Trinity@Home again this Sunday so that together we can listen for what our hearts would love to say; I am ready, are you?

May you never forget that you are loved,

Blessing for Travelers 

When you travel, a new silence goes with you,
and if you listen, you will hear
what your heart would love to say.
A journey can become a sacred thing.

Make sure, before you go, to take the time
to bless your going forth,
to free your heart of ballast
so that the compass of your soul
might direct you toward the territories of spirit
where you will discover more of your hidden life,
and the urgencies that deserve to claim you.

May you travel in an awakened way,
gathered wisely into your inner ground;
that you may not waste the invitations
which wait along the way to transform you.

-John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us

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