Hello, friends! It is my pleasure to share with you this lovely note from Yvonne Dubielak. Chelsie

Some of the most spiritual moments in my life have been while singing:

Leading 30 imprisoned men in singing “Silent Night” in a federal correctional facility during a December retreat. I still get goosebumps whenever singing the song.

Becoming completely immersed in a particular piece of spiritual music when singing in my college choir. I remember beginning the piece and ending it – everything in the middle went to God.

Singing a unity candle song with my husband at our wedding. “May this bright flame, oh Lord, a testimony be, of loving hearts united in tender love with thee.” Nearly 32 years later, our hearts are still very much united.

I can’t imagine life without music. My siblings and I were fortunate to be raised in a musical family. We all had the same fabulous teacher in school who nurtured in us the joy of music – both performing and appreciating others who perform. We each played a different instrument in the band, as did several of our extended family members. What fun we had one night sitting around the campfire with kazoos, each playing our parts of the Star Spangled Banner as we remembered them from high school band!

It is my great pleasure to join other voices in song in the Trinity choir. Before joining the choir earlier this year, it had been a while since I had the opportunity to sing in a four part choir. I didn’t realize how much I had missed it. Being part of a welcoming, inclusive community of faith makes the experience even more meaningful.
-Yvonne Dubielak