Dear friends,
There are a lot of things I’d like to say or share about the week we have had. As of writing this, President Trump has just rescinded the 1965 Civil Rights government contractor order, and a school shooter has shot a student and himself. Who knows what else may have happened by the time you read this on Friday morning, but whatever it is, we will face it together. Something to remember during this time when it feels so overwhelming is that this is what oppressors want you to feel. They want you to feel small and overwhelmed. But we are not and there is strength in numbers. The work continues, and so does the Kin-dom of God.
So, I am going to suggest we all do something radical.
Let’s rest. No one can work on a cup that is less than half filled.
During these times, I am reminded of the story of Genesis where there is a massive amount of creation. There is also a lot of uncreating of what was, to what is and could be. And God rested. The God we love reminds us time and again through the Biblical narrative that Sabbath is required for our health and survival. Jesus goes away from the crowds when he is overwhelmed and needs restoration. And that is okay for us too. Trinity is a community, and communities rely on collective strength. Right now, some of us can show up and do the work, others cannot, and that is holy and okay.
Right now, we are at the start of a marathon, and as an asthmatic I wish it were a relay race. But I know that you all are where God has called you to be. And that by God’s grace we will make it through together. Sabbath is important for who and where we are.
May you find the time this week and, in the time to come, to welcome rest as resistance.
Grace and peace.