Beloved friends- As I sit down to write to you this week I do so on the eve of entering our church season called “Ordinary Time.” This is the very long “green” season taking us through the beautiful months of summer into the fall. The church has used this time historically in our liturgical calendar to focus on the gospel lessons revealing and shining light on ways we are invited to follow Jesus in the ordinariness of life. And while there is nothing as spectacular in the coming days as far as church feasts or festivals, there is, I would suggest, a beauty that lies ahead in all that is unfolding for us at Trinity in these coming weeks and months.

Last Saturday 28 of us gathered on a Saturday morning to begin learning about the process we will engage to write a 2030 vision. It was indeed an awesome morning and by all accounts we left feeling inspired, excited and eager to welcome others onto this path leading us into a bright future. If you weren’t able to join us Saturday, I hope you can carve out some time a week from tomorrow (Saturday, June 29) from 9:00-10:30 when I will offer a follow up time for coffee and conversation in My Brother’s Place. I will share some of the process we learned and some of the results of the morning.

As I think about the start of this vision work and the start of this church season, I am delighted in the perfect symmetry they offer; both take the long view, both require attention to the smallest details of our ordinary lives, and both reveal untold gifts if attention is paid to the small moments, the small details: a kindness, a word, a moment of silence, a song, a prayer, a meal- the things that fill most of our days without fanfare.

So come home this Sunday and join us as we turn our heads and hearts and bodies towards the days of summer. Let the sunshine fill our souls melting away anything keeping us from the love of a God who wants nothing more than to delight in our beauty.

May you never forget that you are loved.


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