Hello, my dear friends!

As we begin the season of Advent, I find myself reflecting on spiritual practices that have been particularly sustaining for me, especially over the past few years. And how when I lean into some of them now, I am finding that I experience them very differently. I am not finding them to be as sustaining as they once were, and sometimes the well-crafted words sound so different or disconnected from this new season of my life.

But just like the liturgical and natural seasons our spirituality also ebbs and flows. There might be times when we feel really “spiritual,” when we engage particular practices that fill, comfort, sustain, and encourage us in the ways we need. And I imagine there are times in our lives when we feel “not-so-spiritual.” Encountering these seasons where we feel disconnected from go-to practices can be a scary thing and it can feel like we are walking around in the dark. And as Priest Lisa shared this past Sunday, the dark does not have to be a scary place.

Even when it feels like we are spiritually wandering, we can always lean into the truth that we are created as spiritual beings. The ebbs and flows we experience remind us that spirituality is dynamic, not static. That our spiritual needs can change as we also change. And as my liturgy professor might say, these ebbs and flows also remind us that we each tap into God’s frequency in different ways at different times – but we are never without the ability to do so.

So, whether you find yourself experiencing the ebb and flow of your own spirituality or are moving with the ebb and flow of the season of Advent, I pray that we each may find how we best tap into God’s frequency in this season as we continue to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.

How has your spirituality ebbed and flowed during your life? And what wisdom did you take away from these experiences?

Be well,
Deacon Megan

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