Hello, Trinity Community,

We have just come off a fantastic weekend. The Multifaith Gun Violence Forum was well attended, with just a little more than 70 people in attendance. And NOVA had a wonderful debut concert with around 180 people in attendance. Including our service, more than 300 people passed through our progressive, inclusive, creative community of faith in our sacred space. We received many compliments about how warm and welcoming we are. And that, my friends, is due to the wonderful work of our many volunteers who served that day, and some in multiple capacities. We were able to provide radical welcome, radical hospitality, because of the time, intention, and effort set forth by our volunteers. And for that, today I find my heart filled with gratitude. For this place, for us as a community, and for the opportunity to serve as your Director of Music and the Arts.

We have more to come. Working through our pledge drive, where we have the opportunity to support our ministry together, hopefully you’ve received the pledge card in the mail. And if you haven’t, or prefer to just click (me too, friends) you can support Trinity online through our website, www.trinitytoledo.org. The goal this year is to have 90 families support our work together as a community. The amount of your pledge is not important: whatever you can give freely to support the community is a personal discernment that we all honor the process of. Seriously, though. I mean that. Different numbers mean different things to people and have different impacts. The amount is not important. It’s the commitment to the community, no matter the size, that is making the difference.

Plus, we have this cool tree to put leaves on with all our names!!

With love, my friends,


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