Speaking truth and standing for justice in a world that does not want to hear it is tough. It’s one thing, I think, most of us can agree on. And this reality is not a new one. Luke Chapter 4 concludes with people who were so upset with Jesus, that they tried to throw him off a cliff after listening to him talk about the prophet Isaiah’s words. I have given some sermons in my time, but none have been received like that. To pray into a kin-dom we seek as followers of The Way takes bravery and a deeply rooted faith; much more than we like to admit.
Sherre Owens Smith, a dearly departed friend and former Trinity member, invited me to her home for lunch one afternoon. I had mentioned that I was prepping for that week’s prayer service and needed a setting of the Prayers of the People. She introduced me to the Litany for Social Justice, from the Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries of the Episcopal Church. To say I was moved was an understatement; it was exactly what I needed and has become a staple during our chapel services ever since.
I share these with you all today, so our lips, hearts, and minds continue to bend towards a world of justice. May we continue to seek it in the streets.
Prayers of the People: A Litany for Social Justice, Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries of the Episcopal Church
Intercessor: Creator of All, you have promised to hear when we pray in the name of your Son. Therefore, in confidence and trust we pray for the Church. God, enliven the Church for its mission:
People: That we may be salt of the earth and light to the world.
Intercessor: Breathe fresh life into your people.
People: Give us power to reveal Christ in word and action.
Intercessor: Creator of all, lead us and every people into ways of justice and peace.
People: That we may respect one another in freedom and truth.
Intercessor: Awaken in us a sense of wonder for the earth and all that is in it.
People: Teach us to care creatively for its resources.
Intercessor: God of truth, inspire with your wisdom those whose decisions affect the lives of others,
People: That all may act with integrity and courage.
Intercessor: Give grace to all whose lives are linked with ours.
People: May we serve Christ in one another, and love as he loves us.
Intercessor: We pray for those on our Trinity Prayer List, and those we now name silently or aloud. (All are invited to offer their prayers silently or aloud at this time.) God of hope, comfort and restore all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.
People: May they know the power of your healing love.
Intercessor: Make us willing agents of your compassion.
People: Strengthen us as we share in making people whole.
Intercessor: Give comfort to those who mourn.
People: Bring them peace in their time of loss.
Intercessor: We praise you for all your saints who have entered your eternal glory.
People: May their example inspire and encourage us.
Intercessor: Lord, you have called us to serve you.
People: Grant that we may walk in your presence: your love in our hearts, your truth in our minds, your strength in our wills; until, at the end of our journey, we know the joy of our homecoming and the welcome of your embrace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay; give new courage to your people, who trust in your love. By your coming, raise us to share in the joy of your kingdom on earth as in heaven, where you live and reign, one God for ever and ever.
Grace and peace,
George Benson (he/him)