Geese appear high over us,
pass, and the sky closes. Abandon,
as in love or sleep, holds
them to their way, clear
in the ancient faith: what we need
is here. And we pray, not
for new earth or heaven, but to be
quiet in heart, and in eye,
clear. What we need is here.
-Wendell Berry

Beloved Friends,
It will be good to be home with you this Sunday. Last week I was in Alabama with my CREDO
faculty team teaching and coaching, praying and worshiping with priests in our denomination
offering a time to remember who they are as children of God, leaders and disciples, and that
indeed “what we need is here.”

Since 1997, CREDO clergy conferences have been offered by our pension program to provide
clergy (active and retired), a week-long wellness experience exploring four component areas –
Spiritual, Vocational, Financial, and Physical/Psychological health. Hundreds of clergy each year
participate and are guided through the week by 7 faculty teams made up of clergy and lay leaders
from around the country. For four years it has been my honor and deep joy to serve as a CREDO
faculty member.

I am responsible for “vocation” which translates into plenaries, workshops and consultations
about the process of living into the role of a clergy person, remembering how to balance our call
to serve in the church while also maintaining our primary identity as a child of God. It is my role
to ask questions such as:
Is the life you are living, the same as the life that God wants to live in you?
Are you finding a way to remember that you are a beloved child of God?
What, where and how are you taking time to remember that you have limitations and that you are
in this for the long haul?

And each time I step into this role I am reminded that these are not only questions for clergy but
for all of us as followers of Christ. Regardless of our vocations, ordained or lay, in the church or
in the world, we all benefit from intentional and reflective time to remember the gifts we have
been given and to seek out ways to articulate and then share those gifts.

Nothing helps remind me more of the importance of recognizing our gifts and responding with
generosity than returning home in the midst of our 3-week Annual Giving Campaign. Making a
financial pledge for the year ahead allows us to join hands and say that even in the context of an
unknown future, we are confident in a God that loves us and is encouraging us to move forward
together in faith, hope and love. Remember that it is your participation that we long for- a pledge
card is simply (and profoundly) your “yes” to God as a member of this community.

Please plan on either staying after the 8:15 or coming before the 10:45 services to join us again at
9:30 in My Brother’s Place for the second gathering to watch and continue the conversation about
Everyday Creativity. Together we will explore what it means to live into the reality that indeed,
what we need is here.

Come home to the table that is always ready for you and where you are known by name and
loved just as you are.

May you never forget you are loved,

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