“Homeless Jesus” is finally on their way home to Trinity. This long-awaited sculpture will soon be installed right outside our front doors as a powerful, permanent reminder of Jesus (God with us) in their distressing disguise.

You may wonder about the money we’ve spent on this work of art – wouldn’t it have been better used to help real live people in Toledo who are homeless?

In fact, the dollars that paid for the sculpture were given to us expressly and solely for funding music and the arts. And we don’t have to be limited to supporting only one, either art or ministry.

We’ve fine-tuned our outreach efforts over the last year, to focus on a few solid programs that do help people in Toledo who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless:

– The Open Table program is convincing us that Relationship Transforms Communities. Toledo’s two Tables have just begun to support two young adults who’ve aged out of foster care as they create, organize and achieve their own life goals.

Toledo Streets Newspaper is dedicated to Inspiring Hope, Fostering Community, and Cultivating Change in local vendors struggling with poverty. They exchange a monthly newspaper for courage, confidence and connection.

Food for Thought has spent over a decade sharing pantry staples and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, working toward making Toledo a place where the hunger for food, respect, and belonging is met for all people.

– Our own Next to New shop offers new and gently used goods at affordable prices to our downtown neighbors. Every customer also gets hospitality, respect, and compassion at no extra cost.

Watch this space for details on the Homeless Jesus installation. And once the sculpture arrives, spend a little time with it. Notice how it disturbs you. Let that lead you to one of these ministries that can transform both you and the community that you (and Jesus) call home.

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